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      旺和招標咨詢(xún)有限公司是全國知名的招投標專(zhuān)業(yè)代理公司。其前身是云南旺和招投標咨詢(xún)有限公司、云南旺和招咨詢(xún)有限公司,成立于2004年11月18日,總部位于云南省昆明市五華區。注冊資本5000萬(wàn)元。為進(jìn)一步拓展業(yè)務(wù),2017年8月1日更名為旺和招標咨詢(xún)有限公司。2019年12月成立黨支部。公司總部位于昆明市護國路69號護國大廈9樓C、D座,公司內部設有開(kāi)標廳、評標室、錄音、錄像等專(zhuān)用場(chǎng)所和設備。內設:董事會(huì )、總經(jīng)理、辦公室、行政部等部門(mén)。公司擁有各類(lèi)初、中、高級招標師、行業(yè)類(lèi)注冊證、軍工保密證等專(zhuān)業(yè)持證人員330余人。同時(shí)具備《工程招標代理機構甲級資質(zhì)證書(shū)》、《政府采購代理機構甲級資格證書(shū)》、《中央投資項目招標代理機構資格證書(shū)》、工程造價(jià)資質(zhì)、國際機電產(chǎn)品招標代理單位資格、工程咨詢(xún)單位資格。是中國招投標協(xié)會(huì )會(huì )員單位、云南省招投標協(xié)會(huì )副會(huì )長(cháng)單位、云南省水利工程行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )會(huì )員單位。通過(guò)了ISO9001質(zhì)量管理體系、ISO14001環(huán)境管理體系、OHSAS18001職業(yè)健康安全管理體系認證并評定為AAA級企業(yè)信用單位。


      發(fā)展至今,公司先后在全國成立了40余家分公司。并積極參與國家重大項目建設。企業(yè)自主開(kāi)發(fā)了招投標數據服務(wù)平臺,致力于利用大數據科學(xué)分析,著(zhù)力技術(shù)創(chuàng )新,為招標人提供最優(yōu)的招標方案,實(shí)現擇優(yōu)中標結果意愿。隨著(zhù)我國一帶一路的發(fā)展戰略,區域經(jīng)濟一體化的進(jìn)程加快,招標行業(yè)也迎來(lái)發(fā)展的曙光。我們將順勢而為,不斷擴大業(yè)務(wù)范圍,致力于把公司打造成集招標代理、工程造價(jià)、工程咨詢(xún)、項目管理、工程勘察設計、監理為一體的咨詢(xún)服務(wù)企業(yè),實(shí)現專(zhuān)業(yè)、唯一、卓越的奮斗目標。建設藍圖兼濟中外,開(kāi)放并蓄,創(chuàng )進(jìn)國際知名咨詢(xún)服務(wù)品牌。

      旺和招標,繼往開(kāi)來(lái),砥礪前行。以求真務(wù)實(shí)之態(tài)、創(chuàng )新變革之魂,書(shū)寫(xiě)行業(yè)奇跡。

    Wanghe Tendering Consulting Co., Ltd. is originated from Yunnan Wanghe Tendering&Bidding Consulting Co., Ltd. which is established on November 18, 2004, with its headquarters located at the 9th floor of Huguo Mansion, No.69 Huguo Road, Kunming City, Yunnan Province. The registered capital is 50 million yuan. To further expand its business, it was renamed Wanghe Tendering Consulting Co., Ltd. on August 1, 2017.

    Wanghe has more than 330 professional certified personnel of all kinds of bidding engineers, industry-registered certificates, military confidential certificates, and other professional certificates. At the same time, she holds the "First-Class Qualification Certificate for Engineering Bidding Agent ", "First-Class Qualification Certificate for Government Procurement Agent ", "Qualified Certificate for Central Investment Project Bidding Agent ", etc.

    Wanghe is membership of China Tendering Association, vice presidential membership of Yunnan Bidding Association, and membership of Yunnan Water Resources Engineering Industry Association. Wanghe has passed the ISO9001 quality management system certification, ISO14001 environmental management system certification, OHSAS18001 occupational health and safety management system certification and is rated as AAA-credit enterprise. As of 2021, Wanghe has completed more than 28000 domestic and international bidding agency service projects, with a total amount of more than 560 billion yuan. It has long-term service in tobacco, power grid, communication, petroleum, military forces, banking, government procurement and other fields. The bidding agency type involves highway, railway, bridge, water conservancy, PPP project and other industries. Wanghe has been awarded China's Top 10 Private Bidding Agencies for many years in a row and China's Top 10 EPC Project Bidding Agencies for many years in a row. It also won the "National Government Trustworthy and Customer Satisfaction Top Ten Excellent Bidding Agencies Honor Certificate" and "National Bidding Agent AAA-level Demonstration Enterprise Honor Certificate".

    Since its establishment, Wanghe has established more than 40 branch offices around the country and actively participated in major national construction projects. Wanghe independently developed a bidding data service platform to use big data scientific analysis and focus on technological innovation to provide optimal bidding solutions for bidders to achieve optimal results. With China's "Belt and Road" development strategy and the accelerated process of regional economic integration, the bidding industry also welcomes the opportunity for development. Wanghe will take advantage of this opportunity and continuously expand our business scope. Wanghe are committed to building a consultancy service enterprise that integrates bidding agency, engineering cost consultation, project management consultation, engineering survey design, supervision and one-stop service into one entity to achieve professionalism and excellence.





    中國工程建設質(zhì)量協(xié)會(huì )授予“全國政府放心、用戶(hù)滿(mǎn)意度十佳優(yōu)秀招標代理機構”和“全國招標代理機構aaa級示范企業(yè)“

    2011年-2013年連續三年被云南省建設工程招投標行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )評選為”先進(jìn)招標代理機構”




    榮譽(yù)證書(shū)--2022年優(yōu)秀會(huì )員單位



